Friday, May 7, 2010

Jinx Speaketh

One of (if not the) most evilly influential women in music is now on Blogspot!

Jinx Dawson, "irreverent, erotic, fiendish Left Hand Path Ceremonial Magickian & Artist, lead singer and creator of The Coven, and the first to do the Sign of the Horns in rock," recently posted her first entry over at Jinx Speaketh: Jinx Dawson Official Blog.

I have been following Ms. Dawson's online escapades for some time now (courtesy of her MySpace and Facebook profiles), and was elated to learn that she had decided to expand upon her musings through the creation of a blog.

"I will post previously censored photos from the other sites and adult conversation on Sexe Magick, Left Hand Path rituals, Hoodoo Rites I have seen and experienced and Ceremonial Magick workings I have achieved... I will also write about some of my experiences within the rock musick world and talk about my passed ancestors who visit me from time to time."

Jinx, speaketh... Tell me things I am dying to know.


  1. The Queen speakeths--- and the Princess postesths!

  2. She added me on myspace some years ago and I didnt until just now, put two and two together who she was! Thanks.
