Thursday, May 8, 2008

Posing With Evil Genius (Geniuses? Genii?)

I had never really thought that my list of Brushes With Celebrity was all that impressive. Upon hunting all my souvenir photographs down individually, one by one, for uploading to my web-based photo dumping warehouse, I have concluded that I've actually done pretty well for myself. I am the only person I know who has hugged the lovely and talented Bill Moseley on two separate occasions. The fact that I don't really know all that many people doesn't detract from my sense of accomplishment in the least.

Okay, so I may have included a few photos of people who aren't exactly known to have evil leaking from their pores. Just because these folks have never portrayed a crazed, murderous psychopath doesn't make them bad people.

Bill Moseley posing with me at Chiller Con 13 (New Jersey, USA)

Bill Moseley posing with my sister and I at
Rue Morgue Festival of Fear 2004 (Toronto, Canada)

Sid Haig posing with me at Chiller Con 13

Kane Hodder posing with me at Chiller Con 13

Andrew Bryniarski posing with my sister and I at
Rue Morgue Festival of Fear 2005 After-Party (*drunk*)

A really sweet pic of Tony Todd drinkin' his drink at
Rue Morgue Festival of Fear 2005 After-Party

Tony Todd posing (and drinking!) with my sister and I,
and some other d00d who has not given permission to appear on
Killer Kittens From Beyond The Grave

Doug Bradley at Rue Morgue Festival of Fear 2004
(we saw him *drunk* at the After-Party, but did not shutter-stalk him there)

Lloyd Kaufman and the Troma Team posing with my sister and I,
and some other d00d who has not given permission to appear on
Killer Kittens From Beyond The Grave

(I love this pic -- it's one of my all-time favourites)

Clive Barker with Jovanka Vuckovic of Rue Morgue Magazine at
Rue Morgue Festival of Fear 2005 (I met him, shook his hand, but didn't
get a picture of our intimate moment. Damned batteries!)

Terry and Dean (David Lawrence and Paul Spence) from FUBAR
posing with me, and some other d00d who has not given permission to appear on
Killer Kittens From Beyond The Grave

FUBAR isn't exactly a horror film, but that in no way interferes with its greatness.

Joey "Shithead" Keithley posing with me at his book signing at
Novel Idea (Kingston, Canada)

Joey "Shithead" Keithley performing with DOA at
Scherzo Pub (RIP) (Kingston, Canada)

Tickets to the Ministry concert I attended in 2007 (Ottawa, Canada).
Okay, so I didn't actually meet any of the band members, but I was front-row-center,
and Al Jourgensen totally looked at me. Sweet eye contact...

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