Monday, July 7, 2008

Deadly Drinks: The Blood of Frankenstein

Ahh, Summertime...

During the warmer months of June ~ August, I no longer seem content with the old standbys: rum and coke, gin and juice, red wine and near-fatal headaches. When the days become longer, and the mercury climbs, I feel compelled to add "flare" to my alcoholic beverages, and to top it off with a tantalizing name.

In a stroke of (what I believed to be) pure genius, I decided to document my dabblings in a series aptly titled: Deadly Drinks. The first in this series is something I came up with just this past weekend, which I like to call (have called, am calling) The Blood of Frankenstein. I am quite certain of the fact that the following is nothing that hasn't been assembled for the purposes of consumption before, but perhaps without such an obvious nod to elementary arts & crafts.

Yes, I am talking about food colouring.

I am wondering if anyone else feels the same compulsion to dress up their daiquiris, or beautify their brewskies (if such a thing is possible) in the summertime? Submissions and suggestions are most welcome.


  1. You are so damn nifty, lady :) I am far less experimental--it's all I can do not to quaff directly from the bottle in my eagerness for boozey goodness.

    The Imperial We is still trying to figure out what goes into the Heartini. Care to take on the challenge?

  2. I don't drink, but I might just start if you come up with something icy chilled inside a Phantasm flying sphere that thunks into my forehead and drills the concoction directly into my frontal lobe (no need waitin' for the brain freeze to kick in.) I'll be waiting in the shadowy east wing hall of the mausoleum...

  3. The Vomiting Puppy

    1) Fill glass with vodka, to your level of bravery.

    2) Finish glass with POG (passion-orange-guava) juice.

  4. Kate: Heartini, eh? First and foremost, I think Grenadine is a must, as it provides the kind of syrupy texture that is required. Also, I am thinking that something along the lines of spiked jello could lend a nice, jiggly effect. Might even look like a beating heart, after you've ingested a few ;)

    Karswell: I got a bunch of free frisbees at the Horror Film Festival my local public access cable channel hosted last year... I think that construction of your Phantasm sphere from those should be exceedingly simple.

    (Yes, public access cable channel and Horror film festival both appeared in the same sentence, and it was an awesome sight to behold.)

    Snooks: I don't know that this item contains the appropriate level of mandatory gore. I can't use it unless we find something that looks like dog puke to float in the glass along with the booze.

  5. Re: dog puke - would applesauce work? Or would it just sink to the bottom?

  6. Pudding Monkey: Hey, now there's an idea! I think applesauce would work quite nicely (maybe in an apple martini?). Who says the puke has to be on top? I doubt we could get anything edible (and vomit textured) to stay afloat.

  7. Thanks. :) My in-laws' epileptic Jack Russell has given me a lot of examples to work from.
