Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Goal is Death (1974)

In celebration of a hard-earned Saturday night, also known as Hockey Night in Canada to millions of airhorn-blowing fans, your feline hostess has acquired yet another treat from the haunted longboxes over at The Horrors of it All! Feast your eyes on Vicente Alcazar's arena-chiller, THE GOAL IS DEATH, which appeared in Sorcery No. 9 (1974).

Go on, pull your neighbour's sweater over his head before you begin punching him furiously, then become acquainted with Baron Torak, a lonely vampire who comes to find the love and acceptance he has always craved somewhere between center ice and the blue line.

Curtsies to Steve for this penalty-killing classic, and also for the excellent Evil Hockey Night in Canada graphic!

"I must score...
If it's the last thing I ever do...
I will score!"


  1. Only a vampire could turn Hockey Night in Canada into Deadly Hickey Night--- aka Doomed to the eternal penalty box, 6ft under!

  2. Obviously, artist Alcazar had never seen a hockey game. The sticks, the uniforms, the pads, the gloves, the goal, everything's completely wrong. And check out that goalie mask.

    Great fun!

  3. Dat d00d got a life misconduct!! Hahaha!

  4. Monsieur Fournier: Perhaps this is how the players are outfitted in the Mexican Hockey League?

  5. Hockey and vampires together in a comic book... perfect. Thanks for this.

  6. brilliant! A hat-trick of camp, horror and sports.
