Your catnip-loving hostess spent some time resurrecting the ole scanner last night, so that she could share with you a piece of one of the best gifts she received this Christmas* -- Marvel Premiere #27 (December, 1975) featuring SATANA, THE DEVIL'S DAUGHTER.
The full-colour issue was written by Chris Claremont, and inked by The Tribe. Presented here, in glorious greyscale, is SATANA's official pitch to fans: Beg for more, fiends. I want my own rag, dammit!
* Thank you, Stephen -- you're too generous! And, if it seems like I thank you a lot, it's only because you're so motherfuckin' awesome!
Jane Martin vs. The Undead Nazis
4 hours ago
Hail Satana!
i like your blog......
Aww, thankee!
great little strip. I love John Romita.
Hail Kitty too!
this guy's only interested in her PURSE?!?...
Professor: I was thinking the same thing. Perhaps she reeks like the sulfuric fires of Hell? So much so that it even puts hobos off?
Hi, Kitty!
Thank you for keeping Satana's presence alive, if only on the internet. If you haven't seen it, check out my Dr. Strange vs. Satana story I wrote and drew, "Strange Bedfellows," at
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