Sunday, November 29, 2009

Canada Loves Boris Karloff

Karloff and a spooky mewer in Edgar G. Ulmer's brilliant adaptation
of Edgar Allan Poe's classic: "The Black Cat"


In honour of the final day of Frankensteinia's Boris Karloff Blogathon, Killer Kittens From Beyond the Grave would like to share this interesting excerpt from Alberta History (Vol. 55 No. 2). Boris Karloff in Alberta was written by Stephen Jacobs, and details Boris Karloff's work with the Jeanne Russell Stock Company in the early 1900's.

"I felt I had to get away and work things out on my own.
When I blithely flipped a coin in the family solicitor's office,
the unfortunate losers were the Canadians."

This article was nabbed from Jacobs' web site, Boris Karloff: More Than a Monster, which is also the title of the biography he wrote about the iconic actor (scheduled to be published by Tomahawk Press).


Mr. Karswell said...

That's an awesome article... I love detaily things like that, especially about someone as fascinating as Karloff. Apparently (and thanks recently to Frankensteinia too) the history books have only begun to scratch the surface about him.

Rad photo too, The Black Cat is my favorite of all the early Universal films.

Kitty LeClaw said...

The spooky puss-puss in the film is Jack's Great Great Great Great Grand Mewer!